Technical Cooperation Agreement


The Government of the SADR signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement with Hanno Resources (Hanno) in March 2007. Under the terms of the agreement Hanno undertook to provide a technical appraisal of the mineral potential of the SADR on behalf of the Government. The TCA was completed in June 2011 earning Hanno the first right to licence ground in the SADR for mineral exploration.

The work requirements of the TCA were split into two phases each lasting 24months:

Phase One

  • Conduct a full technical overview of the mineral potential of the onshore SADR, to include adjacent activity in neighbouring countries, from all available data sources
  • Acquisition and analysis of regional satellite data and preparation of a digital database
  • Field reconnaissance visits and reports with appropriate analysis of samples collected
  • Completion of integrated assessment (satellite mapping tied to field observations and sampling)
  • Preparation of hydrogeological maps of the Liberated Territories utilising satellite imagery and any available legacy geological data
  • Collation of all water-well data (including well location, flow rate, and if practical, analysis of water produced)
  • Site investigation of existing water-well and natural water sources
  • Report detailing key factors currently limiting water production and recommendation of forward programme
  • Assistance with planning water-well drilling programme

Phase Two

  • Detailed analysis of all available satellite and photographic/remote sensing data over areas of interest highlighted in Phase One
  • Detailed ground reconnaissance of areas of interest
  • Field mapping, geophysical surveying and detailed sampling of areas of interest (as appropriate), and mineralogical/geochemical analysis of samples as required

Overview of Work Completed

Field Visits, Sample Collection and Geochemical Analysis
  • Undertaking of eight field visits to the Liberated Territories of the SADR
  • Ground-truthing of geological mapping based on satellite imagery
  • Investigation of iron ore and gossan-like exploration targets identified from spectral analysis
  • Collected over 1,100 rock chip samples for geochemical analysis of iron ore, uranium, gold and base metals
  • Collected over 4,300 soil samples for geochemical analysis of gold and base metals
  • Collected over 300 hand specimen samples for mineralogical investigation in thin section
  • Collected 15 iron ore bulk samples for Davies Tube Recovery (DTR) and dry magnetic separation beneficiation testwork
Remote Sensing and Geological Interpretation
  • Geological mapping of the Liberated Territories at 1:100,000 scale based on interpretation of Landsat, ASTER, QuickBird and WorldView2 satellite imagery and field mapping
  • Identification of over 300 iron ore and gossan-like spectral anomaly targets based on Landsat and ASTER satellite imagery
Reconnaissance of Regional Mineral Exploration Actvitiy
  • Investigation of mineral exploration activity in neighbouring Mauritania, Algeria and the Occupied Territories of the SADR
  • Identification of significant mineral trends likely to be found in the SADR
  • Report on the Evaluation of Potential Groundwater Sources in the northern Liberated Territories of the SADR completed by Golder Associates
  • Study of the Environmental Hydrogeology of Western Sahara completed in association with the University of Western Australia

Interested parties are invited to purchase a full copy of the results of the Technical Cooperation Agreement compiled by Hanno Resources.

For more information please contact us.